AWS Study Update # 6

Next Steps

So now that I have two AWS Certifications, the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner and the AWS Certifies Solutions Architect Associate, what am I planning to do next? Well the answer is pretty simple. I’m going to continue on with the AWS Solutions Archtect Professional Certification.

What made me decide to take this route? Since I have the Cantrill training that includes both Associate and Professional certifications I felt It would be a waste to not continue down the Solutions Architect path. I think in doing so I’ll only increase in my confort level across AWS Services. Looking at both the official exam guide and the Cantrill course the level of depth will be challenging, but after the CCIE Security I can’t imagine it being insurmountable. Have you gone through the professional already? If so, I’d like to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Professional (SAP-C01) Resources

As I mentioned I’ll be starting with the Cantrill course. I’m also told the practice exams from Tutorial Dojo are worth looking at so once I get to that point I’ll share my thoughts.

One last resource that should go without saying is my AWS account. I’ll be getting my hands dirty in the labs as much as possible and as I come across labs that are beneficial I’ll share them with you.

That’s it for this weeks brief update. I’ll be back next week with another update. Until next time, "Happy Labbing!"

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