Simplifying Cloud Security for Non-Tech Stakeholders

The Challenge of Technical Translation

The Power of Simplification

  1. Find the core concept: Before you start explaining, distill the technical idea. Focus on its fundamental purpose. Consider its impact. Now that you have that, incorporate step two.
  2. Use analogies: Draw parallels between the technical concept that you simplified and everyday experiences. These should be experiences your audience can relate to. As you do this, don’t lose sight of point number three.
  3. Focus on outcomes: Okay, for this part, you need to emphasize the business impact. Discuss the risk implications rather than the technical details. The business impact or the risk to the business is the language most non-technical folks are going to connect with. It’s about how your job and the information you convey relate to their job. This connection impacts what they are focused on.
  4. Avoid acronyms: Finally, spell out any abbreviations unless you’re 100% certain your audience is familiar with them. Explain these abbreviations that you would use with your peers. Be sure to clarify their meaning. Sometimes they will nod as if they know what it means, but they don’t. Just explain it, but do so in a way that isn’t demeaning to the listener. This is something you need to practice.

Putting It Into Practice

The Impact of Clear Communication

  • Secure buy-in for critical security initiatives more easily
  • Improve collaboration with non-technical teams
  • Enhance our professional reputation and influence

A Challenge for You

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