Well folks, it’s been a minute, but I’m back with another AWS Study update. Since the last time we spoke I’ve been distracted with several other activities.
I delivered a workshop at the AWS Public Sector Summit in Washington DC.

After that I was fast at work preparing to present at MongoDB World on the topic of using AWS PrivateLink and AWS KMS with MongoDB atlas to provide Client Side Field Level Encryption.

So how have my studies been coming along? Well, it’s confession time! I have made no new progress on the Solutions Architect Professional exam, but I have made a bit of progress on the HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate certification. But that’s not an AWS certification you say? You’re right! So why would I ever pursue that?
Why the HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate Certification?
First and foremost, you’re right, this certification is not an AWS certification. So why would I spend the time working on this? Simply put, I can use it to implement AWS Services in an Infrastructure-as-code fashion. For me, the fact that I can learn this and it will help me be more effective in working with AWS Services is huge. Another thing to consider is that learning Terraform ties you into a registry of providers that use the same language to interact with their services. To me this is a skillset that spans organizations and is very valuable.
Wrap Up
With all that little bit said, I’ll continue to share my learning experiences here whether they be AWS certification, Hashicorp learning, or learning new things because I want to do a side project with my kids. I may not have any more specific AWS certification updates but I will continue to share what I learn.
Thanks for following along, and happy labbing!